Measuring electrosmog: The invisible danger and how we measured it successfully

In our modern world, we are exposed to electromagnetic radiation around the clock. Whether through WLAN, mobile phones, Bluetooth or household appliances - electrosmog is omnipresent. But how strong is this invisible pollution really? And above all, is there a way to effectively protect yourself from it?

To answer these questions, we carried out an extensive test. We measured the radiation of a smartphone and checked the influence of the ZES Bodyguard technology on reducing this exposure. The results were astonishing!

What is electrosmog and why is it problematic?

1. electrosmog simply explained

Electrosmog is the colloquial term for electromagnetic radiation emitted by technical devices. These include

High-frequency radiation (WLAN, mobile communications, Bluetooth, 5G)
Low-frequency radiation (power lines, household appliances)
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) that arise in the vicinity of electrical appliances

While many people do not experience any direct symptoms, others report complaints such as:

🔹 Tiredness & concentration problems
🔹 Headaches & sleep disorders
🔹 Increased nervousness & inner restlessness

In the long term, permanent exposure to electrosmog can stress the body and have a negative effect on well-being.

Our experiment: Measuring electrosmog - is it even possible?

Many people wonder how to measure electrosmog. To find out how strong the radiation in our everyday lives actually is, we have developed a test setup.

2. the experimental setup

We used a high-precision RF EMF meter to measure the electromagnetic radiation of a smartphone. Tested were:

📍 Radiation in standby mode (smartphone switched on but not actively used)
📍 Radiation during a call
📍 Radiation when streaming videos via Wi-Fi and mobile communications

The aim was to see how strong the electromagnetic load actually is - and what effect the ZES Bodyguard technology has on it.

Measure electrosmog

3. the results: How much electrosmog does a smartphone really emit?

Our measurements showed that a standard smartphone emits considerable radiation depending on how it is used:

📞 When making calls directly to the ear: Extremely high radiation, especially if the device has poor reception and increases the transmission power.
📡 During WLAN or mobile phone use: Continuous radiation that is very intense, especially in the vicinity of the device.
💤 In standby mode: Even if the device is not actively being used, it regularly emits signals (e.g. for synchronization with networks).

The values we measured were often far above the limits considered to be "healthy". Particularly worrying: the radiation increases dramatically when the smartphone is worn directly on the body - for example in a trouser pocket.

4 The influence of ZES Bodyguard: the revolutionary protection technology

Now came the exciting part: we carried out the same test with and without the ZES Bodyguard.

What is ZES Bodyguard?

The ZES Bodyguard technology is an innovative protection against electrosmog. It works at cellular level and helps the body to protect itself from electromagnetic radiation.

💡 Benefits of ZES Bodyguard technology:
✔ Noticeably reduces electromagnetic pollution
✔ Supports the nervous system & cell regeneration
✔ Helps to minimize stress-related symptoms caused by electrosmog

The result of our test with ZES Bodyguard

After applying the ZES Bodyguard to the smartphone, we carried out measurements again - and the results were surprisingly positive!

🔹 S ignificant reduction in radiation: Electromagnetic pollution was measurably lower.
🔹 Less stress for the body: Testers reported that they felt less exhausted after prolonged use.
🔹 Better regeneration & fewer headaches: People who are sensitive to electrosmog in particular noticed a change.

ZES Bodyguard technology has been proven to reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation - a real game changer in the field of electrosmog protection! In our test, we used the ZES Bodyguard Allrounder 80, which is perfect for use in many life situations and can be taken with you.

ZES Bodyguard Allrounder 80 - Protection against electromagnetic radiation

5 Why is the result so important?

Electrosmog is an invisible but real danger. As we cannot see or feel it, it is often underestimated. But our measurements clearly show:

📲 Smartphones continuously emit radiation - even in standby mode.
Exposure increases drastically during active use - especially with poor reception.
🛡 The ZES Bodyguard measurably reduces radiation - and thus protects the body.

This experiment impressively demonstrates that it is possible to protect yourself from electrosmog - and ZES Bodyguard offers an effective solution.

6. reduce electrosmog in everyday life: 5 simple tips

In addition to using ZES Bodyguard technology, there are other ways to protect yourself from electrosmog in everyday life:

🔹 1. Switch off Wi-Fi at night
Many routers offer a timer function. This reduces the radiation at night.

🔹 2. keep your distance
Avoid holding your smartphone close to your body or holding it to your ear.

🔹 3. Activate flight mode
When the smartphone is not in use, flight mode can help to reduce radiation.

🔹 4. Use wired devices
Bluetooth headphones and wireless keyboards generate radiation - wired alternatives are better.

🔹 5. Nature as a balance
Regular walks in nature help the body to regenerate from electromagnetic stress.

7 Conclusion: Electrosmog protection is possible - with the right measures!

Our test clearly showed how intense the electromagnetic radiation of a smartphone can be - and the impressive protection offered by the ZES Bodyguard.

🌟 The most important findings:
✔ Electrosmog is real - and omnipresent in our everyday lives.
✔ Smartphones and Wi-Fi are the main sources of electromagnetic radiation.
✔ Exposure can have a negative impact on our well-being.
✔ The ZES Bodyguard measurably reduces electromagnetic pollution.
✔ With the right measures, everyone can improve their electrosmog protection!

💡 O ur tip: If you want to protect yourself optimally against electrosmog, test the ZES Bodyguard yourself - and feel the difference!

Find out more now & protect yourself: Discover ZES Bodyguard